Huwebes, Hulyo 28, 2011

Lesson Plan

What is Lesson Plan?
A lesson is a very important tool of a teacher.
Teacher's blue print..

The purpose of of a lesson plan , to provide framework for the lesson,it is a guide for the teacher and help to see the lesson as a whole.

A lesson plan is very important because it gives feelings of security especially to the new beginning teacher who usually feeling nervous and tense. A well-prepared lesson plan gives self confidence and minimizes feelings of anxiety and inadequacy.

According to the report of Ms.Boncales, In preparing a good lesson plan contains learning topic, Duration, Objectives, Subject Matter, Motivation, Procedure, Evaluation, Values Intergration and Assignment. The objectives must be definite, clear and specific.

Linggo, Hulyo 17, 2011


"Motivation is the characteristic that helps you achieve your goal. It is the drive that pushes you to work hard and reach whatever it is that you are after. It is the energy that gives you the strength to get up and keep going - even when things are not going your way."


Last week the reporters discussed about The sequence of Information Processing, Principles of Motivation in Classroom Teaching, Studying Techniques to Improve Performance.

As I have observed each one of them they had different techniques of reporting, I like the strategy of Ms.Maceren and Ms. Daraug because all of us participated in their discussions and they let us share our ideas at that time. And through this experiences and observations,  I've learned a lot especially in teaching and effective motivation  that I can use to the students  if I will be the one to teach. And also studying techniques, this techniques is very important for the students/pupils in order to improve their academic performance.

Linggo, Hulyo 3, 2011


As I observe the first reporter, though he tried his best to explain to us what was his topic all about and to understand further in his topic, but unfortunately, his not doing well. Though his power point presentation was good, but the way he discussed his topic was unexpected. His too fast to read his report, that none of us really don't understand what he tried to explain to us.

I admit that when I am in his situation, I don't think I can do best in my report as well, especially when facing and standing in front of  my co-classmates and instructor. I do understand the first reporter feelings at that time it is hard for him. But i appreciate him because he tried his best.

To be an effective teacher he or she must do the right thing in his or her report. Because I do believe that Teaching is the noblest profession of all.

All about Teaching

Teaching is not so easy...
It has a lot of patience and understandings towards your students..

As I listen to what our instructor says about Teaching, I realize how difficult it was to be a good teacher.. It's hard to caught the attention of the students and also,  it is difficult to deal with the students who are in need of guidance like elementary students who cannot catch up easily in a certain topic. A good teacher must know the capability of his or her students.

We reminded that being a good teacher, must have the passion in his or her craft. That A teacher knows well and do well on his or her job. That's what a good teacher is...